Our waxing agents are specifically formulated with purified natural components and water-soluble emulsifiers specific to the fruits and vegetables you wish to coat. Our high-quality coating agents not only improve the appearance of your produce, but also provide natural benefits such as:
• Delaying the aging process of the fruits and vegetables
• Providing a protective shield around fruits during packaging and transport operations
• Controling dehydration and weight loss of fruits
• Extending fruit and vegetable shelf life
Your fruits and vegetables are continuously exposed to harmful substances such as pesticides, dust, pathogens, and fungi. Our sanitizing agents and detergents are ideal to protect your produce from toxic material that prevent their natural growth. Our high-quality detergents provide numerous benefits for your fruits and vegetables, including:
• Neutralizing the development of pathogens
• Providing a protective shield around fruits from dust and pesticides
• Protecting fruits from sun burn and heat
• Optimizing fruit growth and development