Salad Sorting Machines

Salad and Leafy Greens Sorting Machine

Quadra provides you with optical salad sorting machines equipped with the highest resolution cameras and a specialized vision system to identify with minute accuracy any defects, foreign material, and discolorations present in your leafy greens. Our sorting machines are suitable for all sorts of leafy vegetables such as baby leaves, spinach, lettuce, mixed salads, and many other varieties. They are also available in a variety of sizes to suit your production requirements, whether small, medium, or large.

With our leafy greens sorting machines, you can rest assured that your products will be fresh, hygienic, consistent in quality, and free from defects and foreign materials.

Iceberg Lettuce Sorting Machine
Discovery - Iceberg Lettuce Sorting (Up To 3 T/h)
Baby Leaf Sorting
Rayfly - Baby Leaves Sorting (Up To 2 T/h)
Baby Leaves Sorting
Spray - Baby Leaves Sorting (Up To 800 kg/h)

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Redefined Sorting Technology

Optical Sorting Cameras

High Resolution and NIR Cameras

Our unique "high speed double vision system" ensures that 100% of the product's surface is analyzed at extremely high speeds from every side. Our salad sorters are equipped with NIR technology and color sensors to identify discoloration in the leaves, as well as chlorophyll and translucency sensors to distinguish foreign bodies like plastic, stones, insects, rodents, worms, and snails in the leafy greens which naturally have a high concentration of chlorophyll.

    NIR Technology
    Visible Color Analysis
    Shape Analysis

    Translucency Analysis
    Chlorophyll Analysis

Pink Defects
Pink Defects
Green Leaves
Green Leaves

Pulsed LED Technology

Pulsed LED Technology

Our optical sorters for leafy greens and salads feature high-speed pulsed LED technology which exposes the leaves to multiple light sources of variable frequencies in the visible and near-infrared spectrum. This method provides our systems with a diverse selection of images for every product. Then, a sophisticated vision system analyzes precise parameters for each image, resulting in exceptional accuracy in sorting by color and quality.

Need Help Choosing a Salad Sorting Machine?

Contact us today for a free consultation